ICT Consultancy

ICT Consultancy

Information, Communication & Promotional Services

Auditing your current technology is the logical first step in ensuring the capability to deliver the business solutions you require both immediately and in the future. The audit provides a detailed report on your current infrastructure covering cabling, workstations, network cards, servers, hubs, and all internet working devices.

From this information, our consultants are able to pinpoint potential or actual bottlenecks that may impact your network’s operation and its suitability to satisfy your business objectives. Where the change is essential we can design, supply, install and support the necessary solutions.

Service Details

Analysis & Research

Analysis of research projects, products, tools, frameworks, and identification of trends. Approach: assessment and improvement of communication and marketing strategies by proposing enhancements and new services.

Digital & Print Marketing

Elaboration of a marketing approach and implementation of diverse communication Tools and promotional actions such as websites, workshops, roadshows, audiovisual presentations, and printed material.

Networking Solutions

Set-up and coordination of networks of experts and stimulation of interaction through Conferences and organization of workshops.

Reach out to us today for a consultation