ICT Maintenance & Support

ICT Maintenance & Support

Support Service

Stunner Technologies offers a complete, ongoing support service including new software releases and the latest bug fixes. All our staff support Microsoft products and have been trained to at least minimum  Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status.

Maintenance Service Agreements are fixed-price contracts and include the following support services:

Service Details

Hardware and Software

Computer hardware and software are
becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. Full management of the increasingly complex relationships between these requires a large investment in both time and training.

Total System Management

The costs for the customer in acquiring the necessary skill sets in-house are often unable to be justified.  The result of leaving a system to manage itself can be disastrous. We have considerable expertise in Total System Management and are able to offer this as part of an overall support package. With our high-caliber consultants, we are able to offer you up-to-date information and advice, to give you peace of mind that your system is being well managed and is cost-effective.

On Person Support

All support staff are contacted using “on person” mobile communications. As well as facilitating office to  engineer communication, Stunner Technologies can also provide immediate support by allowing  customer access to the helpdesk, an IT Expert or Technician, so that many problems can be solved  without the need for an on-site visit, therefore saving you time and money.

Reach out to us today for a consultation